Friday 8 April 2016

See 5 Signs You’re With the Right Person to Marry...[A Must Read]

They Share Your Sense of Humor Out of the many characteristics imperative to thriving in your married life, a sense of humor tops the list. However, there should be a clear distinction between an acceptable and unacceptable level of humor. They Genuinely Listen to You Someone who genuinely listens to your opinions and feelings is definitely marriage material. Even better are those who recall your past conversations and adds to it later.

They Give Genuine Feedback as Well Someone who genuinely listens should also have some feedback to add to the conversation otherwise they may just be pretending to listen but is actually spaced out during the entire time. A genuine conversationalist responds honestly and unhesitatingly. They should not be afraid to disagree with you nor open up untimely new topics.Think about it, you don’t want to be talking nonstop while your partner boringly nods and agrees with you every time. Genuine and valuable feedback is essential for intellectual growth of both people involved in the marriage.

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