Thursday 12 May 2016

‘How I Reduced My Weight From Size 32 To 14’ – She Finally Reveals Her Secrets

When people call it magic, I laugh because there’s nothing magical about weight loss. There is nothing miraculous about it. The problem with people is that, I was losing weight right under their roses and they just did not know. I started the weight loss journey three years ago. I have been losing weight for three years and some months now. I am still going on, I have not stopped. To stay away from eba for three years, you think it is something I like? I missed good food. In three years, I have eaten pounded yam like three times, you think it is something I like? It is simply hard work, discipline and commitment. A lot of people started sending me mail.

You must occupy your soul, spirit with it. When I wake up in the morning, it is what I think about. When I am going to sleep at night, it is what I am thinking about. All I think about is, I have to lose this weight. When I want to go out, I am already thinking of what I am going to eat. If I am stuck in traffic, I am thinking of what I can snack on. I try to avoid junks, soft drinks on the road. Those are the things that make you pack up fat. I have to think ahead. I am at a party and I am already thinking, what can work for me and what cannot work for me. There are parties I attend and I don’t eat anything. I just take my eyes off the food

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